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Visit the Photography Academy site for more help! Press the blue button.

Here's My #1 Winning Formula to Creating Your Own Stunning Photos Everyone Will Love Through This Free Webclass!
Starts right away!

Watch the webclass and get a free course on Finding Compositions and a camera settings cheat sheet! (Value $49)


Secret #1

​​​​​​​I will show you how you can take stunning, magazine quality photos without needing to buy expensive new camera gear.​​​​​​​

Secret #2

I will teach you how you can create gorgeous works of photographic art even if you are not an artisic or technical person.

Secret #3

​​​​​​​I will demonstrate how you can easily create your own impressive body of work without traveling far from home.

Secret #4

If you get nothing else from this webclass, I guarantee you will come away motivated to pick up your camera and get out shooting again.
In this free online masterclass I will teach you the secrets professional photographers use to create stunning photos using a consistent, step-by-step system that you can start using right away. Click the button and register your seat in this webclass. Limited space due to bandwidth, so register your seat now!

Here are the step-by-step recipes you can use to get amazing compositions that are tack sharp from the front to the back.

This Photo Cookbook contains 30 recipes written by an award-winning photographer that you can use to take your own amazing photos with your phone or with your camera.

"I followed these easy recipes and IT WORKED!!!

Copyright 2023 Tim Shields Landscape Photography -  All rights reserved
View my portfolio at https://www.timshields.com